How to Count Cards

How do I count cards in Blackjack?

Card Counting is not just about keeping track of specific cards, it’s so much more. The basic theory is that higher-value cards like 10’s and Aces are preferable to the player and lower-valued cards like 4’s, 5’s and 6’s are better for the dealer.

In card counting, a player will assign a value to each card they see during play- usually +1, -1 or 0. In the Hi Lo system of card counting, a card that ranges between 2 to 6 is given +1, 7 to 9 is given zero, and 10 to Ace is given -1. The player will use this information and add or subtract the relevant amounts every time he sees a card. When the current count is positive, the player should increase their bet because there will be higher cards left in the deck. If the count is negative, the player should lower their bet because the odds of getting a natural are far less.

That’s’ the basic way to count cards. There are a lot more advanced systems that assign values like +2 and -2 to cards in the deck and many believe that this improves the accuracy. However, many others find it more confusing to keep track of the numbers and end up getting distracted. It’s a tricky business counting cards and one that can either work in your favour or against it. We suggest getting to know the Blackjack basics before you attempt to start counting; otherwise you might find yourself in a whirlwind of numbers and forget your game train of thought.